Guyanese launches jewellery line for women, children at GuyExpo in NY

Former television journalist and founder of Janagems, Annalisa Bahadur, has launched her own line of jewellery for women and children. Last weekend, Annalisa participated in GuyExpo New York, where she displayed her handy creations and interacted with the Guyanese community.

Annalisa Bahadur
Annalisa Bahadur

The jeweller’s work is strongly influenced by
Having been born and raised in a country rich with raw, beautiful nature, Annalisa is woven into a life bursting with nature’s beauty, evident in her one-of-a-kind designs. Infused in each hand-crafted piece is the colours of the Caribbean, its tropical paradise, and its unique fusion of colourful culture.
“These are one of a kind pieces that are unique since no piece is duplicated,” explains Annalisa, adding: “When you own a Janagems piece, you are guaranteed that it is as unique as you are.”
Annalisa’s creativity is a staple of her entire career, from co-hosting the Good Morning Guyana and parenting programmes, to writing media reports and anchoring at the National Communication Network.

Miss Guyana World 2012, Arti Cameron is a frequent user of Janagems and has worn Annalisa’s creations on multiple occasions in Guyana and on her many international travels. “I am always honoured to have Arti wear my pieces,” said Annalisa.“They complement each other with their unique vibrancy and character.”
Using precious stones, clay or other organic material, each of Annalisa’s pieces is carefully and intricately designed and created in her humble uptown Manhattan workshop overlooking parts of the city.
“Every person deserves a piece of jewellery that is unique to them. Everyone has a creative side that is often not explored, and so through my creations, I allow my clients to work with me to create jewellery specific to their personality and taste,” she explains.
Annalisa’s decision to participate in GuyExpo New York was her effort to share her love for jewellery design with her homeland in mind. She has been working with local businesses and is excited by the response so far. She is currently working on her male collection which she aims to unveil by Fall. Besides her knack for creativity, Annalisa has a spirit of charity.
She has been a participant of many cancer and HIV/ AIDS walks and cancer telethons, both locally and abroad. Annalisa, through Janagems, recently teamed up with West Indians Serving Humanity (WISH) and is now a supporting partner.
WISH aims to help underprivileged children and families around the world through charitable donations. A Facebook group, Guyanese Young Entrepreneurs, created to bring young entrepreneurs together to support each other, is the latest brainchild of Annalisa. The group has already attracted over seven hundred active members, in the space of two months! Annalisa’s artwork can be seen at her website at as well as her Facebook page, search Janagems.

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