Guyanese in New York are interested in knowing what’s happening back home

Dear Editor,
Guyanese in New York are extremely happy that President Donald Ramotar took the time off from his busy schedule to meet and interact with us during his recent visit to the U. S. The interactions with the president and his team were useful, as they provided an opportunity for us who have left Guyana a long time ago to hear first-hand what is happening back home.
Most times we have to rely on the media, particularly online newspapers, to understand what is happening back home. Editor, let me say that it is very difficult for us to trust those sources, especially considering that certain sections of the private media are known for publishing half truths. We know that many of them are opposed to the present government and want to paint a negative picture of everything that is happening in order to make the administration look bad.
Not only are Guyanese getting a negative impression about what is happening, but they are also fearful of their safety whenever they consider returning home for a holiday. I have had to correct the misconceptions quite a few times and actually change persons’ minds to visit Guyana and see for themselves. Of course there are crimes happening, but so too in New York and other places. The only difference is that it is always blown out of proportion in Guyana.
For this reason, this diaspora update provided by the president and ministers must be continuous as we too have a vested interest in the development of Guyana. Some would say that we have chosen to live overseas and we should not pay too much heed on local happenings, but most of us here have accumulated wealth over the years and would like to return and invest in our country. I have also spoken to some of my friends here who would like to come back to Guyana to enjoy their old age as the weather, etc, could be very unfriendly sometimes.
So I must express my gratitude to the government for still showing an interest in us. Not because we have left Guyana for a better life decades ago we would not want to be part of its future development now.
Yours truly,
R Majeed

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