Guyanese in New York are eager to meet with President Ramotar

Dear Editor,

I have been informed via your online newspaper that President Donald Ramotar will be visiting the U. S. to meet with officials from the United States administration and multilateral agencies.

These are all very important meetings and I wish the president much success in his engagements, but I also hope that Guyanese living here would also get the opportunity to meaningfully engage him and other government officials as we believe this is long overdue.

Like other Guyanese residing here, I have some very important issues I wish to raise with the president especially regarding current happenings back home. We are getting mixed reviews of the situation as it relates to the future of the country from the media.

I also would like to get more information on some investment plans which I am considering to undertake in Guyana. Many of us here have accumulated financial and other resources over the years and wish to return home and invest.

We are indeed excited to welcome President Ramotar and his team to the U. S.

Yours truly,

M Khan

Queens, New York

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