Guyanese in New York are concerned about the impact of the budget cuts on national development


Dear Editor,

The discussions about the budget cuts have dominated the various media outlets and all around the Guyanese community in New York, persons are talking about the kind of impact such action by the opposition would have on the country’s future. I agree with some persons that these cuts suggest that it was a deliberate ploy to ensure that the people of Guyana fall prey of a political game. Why would the opposition want to take such an action that would see ordinary people on the breadline? I have been asking myself how can they be so heartless to do such a thing.

Whatever beef they (Opposition) had with the government could have been addressed through another mechanism, or I guess if they were not satisfied with the way the government was conducting the affairs of the nation, there are so many other actions they could have taken instead of cutting the monies for various agencies that would see many jobless and many projects come to a hal

Also, there could be no rationale for cutting funds intended for the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) that have several programmes attached to it. Not only did parliament endorse the document in December 2009, but it is a nationally endorsed strategy. Further, there were approvals by the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank. The world has recognized Guyana for taking such initiative aimed at saving its forest and in effect helping the entire world deal with climate change

I have taken note of the fact that for every question posed by the combined opposition, government provided a detailed answer showing cause why such spending was necessary. So many of us living in New York, cannot understand why, apart from derailing the political process, the opposition would want to take that kind of action on the 2012 budget. What about their (APNU and AFC) election plans to create thousands of jobs for young people? I am also sure that some of those same persons voted for these parties. I wonder what they must be thinking now.

Editor, I am not sure how long the government will allow the country to go down this path. From the way it looks, Guyanese back home have much more ‘dark days’ to experience and we in the diaspora must make our voices heard because it’s a matter of concern to us too.

Yours truly,


Reginald Smith

Brooklyn, New York


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