Guyanese hold election night vigil in Queens

By NY Contributor 

A large group of Guyanese turned up at the Nareesa Palace catering hall on 116th Street and Rockaway Blvd in Queens for a vigil to monitor the election results on Monday night. The catering hall was linked up live with NCN through to receive Election Day reports and monitor returns as they come in from GECOM (Guyana Elections Commission). Several individuals provided commentaries on the elections and projections of the outcome.

Separately, WICR radio in Richmond Hill was tied up with NCN to provide election reports during the day as well as results on Monday night and throughout Tuesday. Guyanese radio programs on other stations also provided reports on the elections.

U.S.-based Guyanese have been anxiously awaiting reports on the outcome of the elections and the current situation on the ground in their former homeland. They urge peace, calm and patience as the results are announced.

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