Guyanese hairdresser jailed, fined G$2.3M for trafficking cocaine in vagina, stomach

Karen Stuffle

The East Ruimveldt hairdresser who was on Sunday last intercepted with 100 cocaine pellets stashed in her vagina and stomach appeared before the Chief Magistrate on Thursday and was jailed for four years.
Karen Stuffle, 46, who accepted ownership of her actions, told Magistrate Ann McLennan that she was paid some $US400 and given an airline ticket to traffic the illicit drugs.
The woman begged for mercy stating that her actions would not be repeated.
However, in handing down the four years sentence Magistrate McLennan also slapped a hefty fine of $2.3M upon Stuffle.
The charge against her alleged that on September 9, 2018, at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) she had in her possession 1.42kg of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking.
The accused was stopped and searched by ranks attached to the Custom Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) when the drugs were discovered.
A quantity of the drugs was found in a package in her vaginal cavity and during interrogation, Stuffle also admitted to swallowing another quantity of the pellets.
She was subsequently transported to the hospital where she excreted the substance.

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