Guyanese girls nabbed in human trafficking ring in Barbados

Barbados police have smashed what they believe is a human trafficking ring and for the first time have charged individuals with this crime. As a result, a man and a woman were expected to appear in court on Monday, jointly charged with human trafficking.  Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector David Welch on Sunday confirmed that the two were charged, following a police raid of a bar in Nelson Street, ‘The City’, last Thursday.
Reliable sources told the Daily Nation that the 22-year-old man and the bar’s 36-year-old proprietress were arrested after police found five female Guyanese nationals, dressed only in bathing suits, working in the bar. The five were between 17 and 21 years old. On further investigation, it was found that the women’s passports and documentation were not in their possession. Other evidence uncovered suggested the women were part of a regional network.
Meanwhile, in a statement, the Ministry of Home Affairs in Guyana said it has taken note of the incident and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised that through its Consul General in Barbados, Guyana-Barbados Police cooperation has been initiated on the matter.
The ministry said trafficking in persons is a transnational crime and as such the Ministerial Task Force through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Guyana Police Force has in place, appropriate regional and international cooperation mechanisms to facilitate swift response to this crime. Further, the Ministerial Task Force on Trafficking in Persons stands ready to support any effort to prosecute the perpetrators.

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