To empower and encourage self-sustenance is the mandate of the Guyanese Families Unite in Service and Education (GUYFUSE) organisation.
Valini Yacoob of GUYFUSE (left) presents a gift bag to an elderly Bush Lot resident
Established in Sept. 2011, but officially launched Dec. 5, 2011, GUYFUSE is registered under the Friendly Society Act.
It aims to foster and facilitate the involvement of families in the development process in Guyana; to assist in training and educating families to realize their potential and to build confidence and become self-reliant and self sufficient. It also hopes to establish and assist women and groups to get organized in income generating projects; establish centres and opportunities to be used for counselling and/or guidance for families and to conduct educational sessions. It intends to secure, maintain and improve the interest and wellbeing of communities, and address social issues in and around communities. The group hopes also to provide opportunities for members to develop morally and academically as well as to provide services for the benefit of women specifically in the areas of trade and artisanship.
In an interview with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Valini Yacoob, founder and president of GUYFUSE, recalled how the organization got started, “When my husband, Dr Mohamed Yacoob, decided to return to Guyana from the U.S. in 2001, I knew it was only natural that I would have to join him some day with my daughter. I had a long time to decide how I would like to spend my time while in Guyana, apart from taking care of my teenager. As a young girl growing up in a poor family of 12 children, there was not much help for us. It was a constant economical struggle, so I thought it would be appropriate to start an NGO that would bring some comfort and hope to the poor because I am better –financially – now and am willing to help in any way I can.”
Valini has always been involved in charitable works since before starting GUYFUSE. She mentioned that in the U.S., at The Daily Record, a local newspaper in New Jersey, where she worked, she was a member of ‘The Ethnic Committee’ and a member of ‘Operation Sunshine’, an NGO for children. On her return to Guyana, she joined the Guyanese Women in Development (GUYWID), which is based in New Amsterdam where she presently resides.
Originating from Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice, Valini launched most of her projects there. For the one year in which GUYFUSE has been in existence, numerous projects were successfully carried out.
Its three-month sewing class and 12-week ‘Diabetic Support Group’ were well received. The Christmas party for 100 less fortunate children, four-day ‘Peer Education and Leadership Programme’ for high school students and Mother’s Day celebration and food hamper give away were all successfully completed ventures. As were a 10-week dress making class, an under-six Christmas party held in Region Six, and a number of hampers donated to bedridden children and single mothers. All these activities were completed since its inception in 2011.
The philanthropist pointed out that GUYFUSE sources funds through donations and fundraising activities, and is presently developing a portfolio for other projects. Valini is urging entities and individuals to donate in order to help GUFUSE to continue providing for the less fortunate. The organisation is currently seeking sports equipment for the young and older sports groups, and musical instruments for its cultural group.
Commenting on the difference GUYFUSE has made in many lives, Valini disclosed, “As a result of the sewing classes, a few single mothers and school drop-outs started their own sewing business. Two women even started a partnership sewing business. We have continued to see such independence and empowerment on all those who have been assisted by GUYFUSE.”
This year, GUYFUSE is concentrating on three main projects: its monthly school-feeding programme for Regions Five and Six; its cultural group designed to attract school drop-outs and members of the community, and its sports groups for all ages, including those with diabetes, focusing on teaching the importance of diet and exercise.
“All my life, I see people suffer in many ways and I am unable to help in significant ways, but through GUYFUSE and its objectives, I am better able to touch lives and help to mend broken dreams. I want to be that person whom people can depend on for guidance, comfort, and any support within my capacity. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world”. GUYFUSE is already making inroads into our society,” she expressed.
For more information on this organisation, visit Guyanese Families Unite in Service and Education (GUYFUSE) on Facebook or call 333-5618.