Heads of Mission with President Donald Ramotar, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Foreign Affairs Ministry Director General Elizabeth Harper at the opening of the conference
The biennial Conference of the Heads of Guyana’s Missions overseas opened on Monday at the Guyana International Conference Centre with President Donald Ramotar calling on them to be “advance scouts” for Guyana’s development.
The President also commended their work in representing Guyana in the international community.
According to a release from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, President Donald Ramotar in his discussions with the heads spoke at length on specific global developments which struck at the heart of international relations.
Key among these was what the President described as “the dreaded situation facing the Palestinian people and the unspeakable atrocities committed against them on a daily basis.”
President Ramotar referred to the recent attacks on Gaza which have not spared innocent lives of children, women, the elderly, sick and maimed. He said this action was a stain against humanity and one of the worst committed against unarmed civilians. According to the release, the President reiterated that the Government of Guyana was in total solidarity with the Palestinian people who deserved the right to a homeland and an end to occupation. He saluted their heroism in facing a powerful army.
Touching on other conflict areas in the Middle East, in particular the instability in Iraq, Libya and Syria, President Ramotar commented on the growth of extremism and the fact that events in those and other affected countries demonstrated that the imposition of any system from outside causes internal problems. Even if this helped in the change of governments, it did not contribute to the building of democratic societies. He opined that the principle of self-determination was the best guide.
With regard to the situation in the Ukraine, President Ramotar pointed out that it was necessary for both sides to engage in dialogue towards a resolution of the issue. In terms of the dispute over the South China Sea, the President said that a peaceful solution is needed to be found through dialogue and by observing international law.
Touching on the influence of China in the world, the President paid recognition to that country’s ability to provide much needed assistance to many developing countries. He lauded the establishment of a development bank by the BRICS nations recently at their Summit in Brasilia, which offered another source of financing.
President Ramotar informed the conference that with regard to Guyana’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Government will continue to ensure that unresolved issues pertaining to its borders were addressed within the context of international law and the peaceful settlement of disputes.
On Guyana’s foreign policy focus, the President said his Government will continue to preserve and extend the country’s relations with its traditional partners Canada, the US and Europe, and also expand relations with developing countries and promote South-South cooperation.
In addressing diplomatic representation, he alluded to Caricom’s call for exploring shared diplomatic space and said that Guyana should take advantage of this.
The President also acknowledged the Diaspora as a valuable asset in the development process and encouraged the Foreign Ministry and its representatives abroad to concretise policies aimed at tapping the resources and skills of the Diaspora. The Heads of Mission were fully briefed on the political and economic situation in the country. President Ramotar encouraged the Heads of Mission to see themselves not only as executing foreign policy but also contributing to its formulation.
He further urged them to be greater “advance scouts” for Guyana’s development thrust and to continue their commendable work in representing Guyana in the international community.