Guyanese diaspora in N.Y. eager to see how the business of the nation will unfold

Dear Editor,

I am a Guyanese living in New York and like most of my fellow countrymen living here, I am anxious to know what is happening in our country of birth. To begin with, I must say that all of us are encouraged by the fact that the leader of the opposition, David Granger has come out clearly and said that they (opposition parties) are willing to work towards finding consensus on national issues for the benefit of the entire country. I just hope that this is not just an empty promise and they would follow up with concrete actions and less talk.

Over the past weeks, the ruling People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) has raised several concerns over what appears to be a collusion of the two parties – APNU and AFC – to “take control” of the National Assembly. The PPP/C argued that the parliamentary opposition has already begun showing worrying signs of disrespect for norms, conventions and rules which govern the affairs of the 65-seat Parliament. And the party has enough reasons to feel this way considering how the selection of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and then the appointment of the members of the Select Committee were done.

In response Granger said “We have all, as opposition representatives, been behaving in a professional, independent and responsible manner.” He said the actions and positions taken up by the APNU and the AFC are all in line with their parties’ policies and views of how Parliament should function given the new dispensation and mandate given to the leaders by the electorate at the November 28 elections. At least this is line of argument that they have been holding on to. But I dare say that the entire nation and all of us here in N.Y. wait to see how the business of the nation will unfold in the national assembly. For sure with time they (meaning all parliamentarians) will be judged based on their actions.

Yours truly,

S Singh

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