Guyanese condemn attack on Mahatma Gandhi by Kaieteur News – demand public apology

Guyanese of all ilk and social origins have come out in unity at the gratuitous and vicious attack by Kaieteur News’ columnist Freddie Kissoon against Mahatma Gandhi, which stated that the Indian freedom fighter and icon of peace may have been a homosexual.

Freddie Kissoon
Freddie Kissoon

In his column of February17, “Has colonialism permanently damaged the Guyanese psyche?” from out of the blue, he declared that Gandhi was a ‘homosexual’. Gandhi, of course is not Guyanese and many were shocked as to why Kissoon would bring up the question of Gandhi’s sexual orientation. The unsavoury allegation had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the article.
Kissoon purported to cite letters quoted in the book published by Joseph Lelyveld, “Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and his struggle with India”, as the basis for his charge.




Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill
Junior Finance Minister Bishop Juan Edghill, who is also a former chairman of the Guyana Council of Churches, told Guyana Times International on Monday that Kissoon’s attack on Gandhi was uncalled for, and that the accusations were “baseless, senseless and unsubstantiated”.
“It is highly regrettable, especially when it is being done against a revered and internationally acclaimed figure like Gandhi. The public needs to find out whose agenda Kissoon is trying to fulfill in this most recent attack. Gandhi’s principles have been desecrated,” the bishop stated.
He emphasised that Kissoon had no facts to support such claims against such a person who is respected the world over.
All the respondents that this newspaper spoke to were unanimous in their opinion that Kaieteur News should never have published the defamatory allegation on the revered “Mahatma” or “Great Soul”. While Gandhi, or no man or woman is perfect, there must be some line drawn when a newspaper would offer statements that were never made by an author as conclusive proof for its columnist’s prejudices. They all said that Kaieteur News and Kissoon should make a public apology for defaming the ‘apostle of peace’.
“The attack on Gandhi was totally unnecessary. I am deeply offended,” said one medical doctor, who is neither Hindu nor of Indian origin. “I believe that Kissoon has deliberately set out to hurt the sentiments of all the great man’s following across the world.”

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

“It is shameful that for a man who made public his most private moments in his publications, including ‘My experiments with truth’, where he confesses to lusting for his young bride, to be subjected to this kind of sensationalising just to sell newspapers,” noted a member of the opposition.
“Imagine maligning a man who was the hero to the great Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela,” he added, in total disgust with the mudslinging Kaieteur News and the writer of the article.
Gandhi (1869-1948), known more popularly as “Mahatma”, was an apostle of non-violence and an architect and father of the nation of India. He was subjected to all forms of violence and racisms in his lifetime.
His spirit to fight injustice through non-violent means was also adopted by peace activists, Nelson Mandela and Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi developed the quality of non-violent agitation, which he called “satyagraha,” and his efforts were instrumental in India gaining its independence from Britain.
The life and work of this great leader touched the lives of many the world over with his teachings of peace, love, unity and nonviolence. It was also his fight against oppression and human degradation that earned him worldwide recognition.

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