Guyanese benefitting from generous scholarships offered by India

Dear Editor,
India has expanded its scholastic benevolence to Guyanese academics. The recent news highlights that the government of India has decided to double the number of scholarships offered at the undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral levels to Guyanese students to take up studies in Indian universities and institutions. This gesture must be commended.
Diplomatic relations between Guyana and India continue to remain strong. There have been joint efforts and many dialogues in the realm of climate change, the environment and religion/culture. Currently on the cards are the establishment of a science centre and the building of Guyana’s Specialty Hospital.
Guyana has received and is still receiving plenty of support from the Indian government. These include the Guyana National Stadium at Providence and the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme.
Education is very expensive and if nine people can be gifted with the provision of airfares to India, tuition fees, stipends, contingent grants, accommodation, and thesis and desertion expenses, then it says a lot about both the donor and receiving countries. It means that the bi-lateral relations are faring well and must be enhanced as much as possible.

Yours truly,
Harrichand Mangru

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