Guyanese Americans oppose unilateral appointment of GECOM Chair

Dear Editor,
The large majority of Guyanese Americans I communicated with on the ground (in the New York area) and on the phone oppose (condemn) President Granger’s decision to unilaterally appoint the Chairman of GECOM. They are outraged at the President’s unilateral action in choosing the GECOM Chair without any opposition input. They feel the President should have chosen someone from the final list of nominees provided by Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, since all of them are considered to be fit and proper. But, as in Guyana, Guyanese have shown a division by race and party affiliation in their views on the issue. PNC supporters back Granger and their party while PPP and AFC supporters back Jagdeo and the PPP on this matter, which should not have involved any controversy. Almost everyone said the President’s action will further divide the fragile nation.
Almost every Guyanese had expected that the President would have chosen Ret’d Major General Joe Singh as GECOM Chair, since he previously served in that position with unanimous support from all the parties. He is highly respected in the diaspora. Some even say he would have been an ideal Presidential candidate for any political or civic-minded party.
Guyanese Americans are shocked and disappointed that the President and his coalition government have found Joe Singh not fit and proper for the GECOM Chair position, especially since he previously did an outstanding job and was praised by observer missions for his professionalism, integrity and neutrality.
Yes, AFCites in the US are not supportive of Granger’s action, and the party leadership’s position of endorsing Granger’s decision on the issue.
Guyanese praise Joe Singh for tending his resignation from all Government positions in light of the Government regarding him not being fit and proper for the GECOM Chair. They describe him as a man of principles.
Accountant and lawyer Chris Ram also came in for praise for following suit by resigning from all Government appointments, since the Government had also regarded him as not being fit and proper for the GECOM position in spite of his support for the Granger-led coalition.

Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram

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