Guyana’s Saviour

Satiricus is nothing if not profoundly grateful for Dike MaKormack devoting his whole life to saving us benighted Guyanese. There are so many Guyanese who foolishly pine for the British to return. Satiricus figured with the British MaKormack taking care of so many things for us, it’s like they never left. Ah… the comfort of being taken care of by big brother – or is the old ‘mother…’?

“Dis GHRO. Ah who and who deh in, man?” Cappo demanded. “All me hear about ah dis MaKormack man. Who ah de president?”

“MaKormack,” replied Satiricus.

“Vice President?”



“MaKormack. All right! All Right! MacKormack is the Treasurer and the whole Committee, too,” supplied Satiricus exasperatedly. “The man working his tail off for us Guyanese.”

“Really?” smirked Suresh. “Is when this man come to Guyana?”

“1966. The same year we get independence. The man came to study.” Satiricus knew the story of his hero. “And then he came back after he went to Chile when they threw out Allende.”

“Ah hope yuh see the pattern!” cried out Cappo enthusiastically.

“So for forty years, is who funding the man?” Suresh wouldn’t let up.

“I see where you heading,” conceded Satiricus. “Well all these kind of organisations get money from abroad, but that doesn’t mean they’re spying or working for foreigners.”

“Bai why you don’t keep up with what’s going on,” Suresh pressed on. “Remember Father Morrison said when he went to England the government tried to recruit him to MI6 or MI5 – I can never keep them apart.”

“Yeah,” admitted Satiricus. “You mean???”

“Well put two and two together,” argued Suresh. “You think those people ever give up? They always protect their interests.”

“But MaKormack worked against Burnham!” protested Satiricus.

“Aha!! But that was after Burnham turned against the west!” cried Suresh triumphantly.

“Things ah mek sense now,” Cappo said as he rubbed his two day old stubble meditatively. “No wonder de man always against de PPP.”

“You bet your a**, I’m right,” Suresh exclaimed. “There’s no other explanation for the GHRO hostility to the PPP.”

“You know I remember last December when those bombs were thrown at some PPP members homes, the GHRO and MaKormack never said a word,” mused Satiricus in wonder.

Teacher Samad who had been listening to the conversation, decided to step in. “You know Satiricus, this saviour of yours is a religious bigot.”

“Nah!!!” said Satiricus. “MaKormack is a church man. He looks at everybody the same.”

“Bai, let me show you a 2009 interview with MaKormack and an American academic. Makormack was talking about the drug trade here– “If you want you could do a faith-based analysis of it I’ve often thought it might be worth doing because it is the Hindu businessmen that do the trafficking. It is Muslim cambios or currency exchange bureau that do the money laundering, and it is black elements that carry stuff through the airports and do the local street running, they’re Christian. But that’s an aside… The leadership of the PPP and the elements who were running drugs here, which were the Hindu business people.” “You think wan man who think like day, can be fair?” scoffed Cappo.

Satiricus had the look of a man whose illusions had been shattered. He shook his head weakly.

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