Guyana’s race relations body must first engage the politicians

Dear Editor,
The constitutional Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) should direct its work as a matter of high priority at political leaders, Ministers of Government, members of the National Assembly, public servants, politicians and political groups of the People’s Progressive Party and the People’s National Congress.
Working first with these categories can impact positively on race relations and social cohesion. They are the influential ones who – by private and public statements, conduct, and practice in their public duties – set the national tone for the politics of race and lust for power in Guyana. These groups should be the primary targets to promote peace, justice and reconciliation for the national community good.
The ERC will be wasting its time and resources and will achieve nothing, unless it engages the political players and public officials identified above in a determined effort to promote reconciliation for improved race relations for the building of national unity. The ERC should simultaneously engage and investigate thoroughly public employment practices to determine fairness, discrimination based on ethnicity, political affiliation, or political opinion with reference to our Constitution and labour laws.
There is widespread observation and concern by the national community about employment practices in the public service and in public agencies. The Ethnic Relations Commission should undertake a comprehensive human resource audit on the ethnic composition of senior persons in the public sector for the challenge to those in public life, Government, the National Assembly, and public officials to take the appropriate corrective actions and measures in the national interest. The ERC can only justify its existence with integrity by pursuing actively the recommended actions above.

With thanks,
Joshua Singh

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