Guyana’s political heavyweights get ready to hit the campaign trail

Guyana’s political heavyweights are preparing to officially hit the campaign trail as the date for General and Regional Elections draws nearer.
The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has announced that it will be launching its 2020 elections campaign on Sunday at Kitty Market Square, Georgetown, at 15:00h.
PPP/C General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo and Presidential Candidate, Dr Irfaan Ali will be key speakers at the event.
Meanwhile, on the APNU Guyana’s Facebook page, campaign coordinator Christopher Jones has created an event for the “Official 2020 Elections Campaign launch of the APNU+AFC.” According to the details provided, it will commence at 4pm on Friday, January 3rd, 2020 at Durban Park, Georgetown.
No other details have been provided about the event, however it is expected that the coalition will highlight achievements since May 2015 and its plans to manage Guyana’s oil and gas sector.
Other smaller parties contesting the polls are also expected to officially launch their campaign in the coming days as they get ready to test their political strength.
The PPP/C has indicated that it plans to discuss issues including the creation of jobs, reduction of taxation, improvement of education and health care, affordable housing and the management of the oil and gas sector for the benefit of Guyanese.
Last month, the PPP/C launched their manifesto titled: “Our plan for prosperity”, with excerpts outlining the party’s policies and plans for the country and its people, should it get into office.
Some of the plans outlined include the removal of Value Added Tax (VAT) on key areas such as electricity, water and healthcare, among other things.
Also high on the party’s agenda is the reversal and/or reduction of the over 200 tax measures imposed by the coalition Administration – such as on building materials, on data, and exports.
The party also outlined that it will reverse the VAT on farming, mining and forestry equipment, which has caused untold difficulties for farmers, miners and those in the forestry sector.
Additionally, the PPP in its 2020 elections manifesto has promised that if elected to office it would advance constitutional reform with the input of the citizens themselves.
In its manifesto, the party noted the importance of ensuring that the people participate in something as critical as revising the supreme law. The party referenced the constitutional reform it piloted in the late ’90s, early 2000s, as an example of the process that is needed.
The PPP/C has also promised that should it return to office, the restoration of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) is high on its agenda.
The LCDS, a brainchild of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, allowed Guyana to earn millions of dollars for deferred deforestation. When the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) came into power, the programme was scrapped.
Touting the value of Guyana’s forests, the PPP/C noted its potential to make a positive impact and also impact the fight against climate change. According to the party, hundreds of millions of US dollars can still be earned using Guyana’s forests.
The party also noted some concrete measures they will pursue, including establishing an International Centre of Excellence for Biological Diversity. According to the PPP/C, this centre will promote cutting-edge research, while developing and exporting educational services.
They also promised that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) would have its capacity built, to provide enhanced regulation. In addition, the National System of Protected Areas would also be enhanced, among other areas of priority.

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