Guyana’s National TT players complete training stint in New Jersey

Some of Guyana’s national table tennis players have completed an intense 16-day training stint at the Lily Yip Table Tennis Training Centre in Dunellen New Jersey, USA. The team comprised of Trence Lowe, Nigel Bryan, Joel Alleyne, Edinho Lewis, Denzel Hopkinson and Junior Caribbean cadet silver medalist Priscilla Greaves.

Godfrey Munroe

The training commenced on August 4 and concluded on August 20. The centre is an International Table Tennis Federation hot spot which is used for high level training and preparation for athletes across the world. The USA team that participated in the recent Olympics trained at the centre. The players were exposed to playing with top level Chinese and USA players, Adam Hugh, Judy Hugh, Lily Yip, a four-time Olympian and owner the facility.
They also learned the aspects of strengthening their technical and tactical skills, short play, speed and footwork drills, point management, strength training stamina, service and reception among other critical elements.
The training was facilitated by the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA) which funded Lowe, Bryan and Hopkinson. Lewis and Greaves were self-sponsored.
According to General Secretary of the Guyana Table Tennis Association (GTTA), Godfrey Munroe, the training is part of the Association’s strategic objective which is to provide more exposure to training and competition for the players as a means of raising the technical and tactical elements that would make Guyana more competitive in the international arena. “The GTTA’s intention is to extend this type of training to all our elite level players as a means of making them more competitive and raising their standard of play,” stated Munroe.
He continued, “From all our feedback the training was intense; the executive would be making steps to select more players to benefit from such engagements once the requisite funding is available”.
Munroe revealed that the Association’s long term plan is to have players who can win medals at world circuit events, host world circuit events in Guyana and fast track the development of players. As a result, they are targeting China, Brazil, the USA and even countries in Europe as avenues to have to expose local players.

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