Guyana’s National Assembly pays tribute to Franklin, Williams, Holder

The National Assembly last Thursday approved three motions to honour the lives of three former parliamentarians who died over the last year. The trio – Everall Franklin, Robert Williams, and Sheila Holder were eulogised as exemplars in their roles in the House.
Deputy Speaker Debra Backer, in moving the motion for sympathy, described Franklin as a committed parliamentarian and politician who provided “meritorious service” to the country.

Robert Williams
Sheila Holder
Everall Franklin

She reminisced on her encounters with Franklin who served as a parliamentarian for the Guyana Action Party (GAP) from September 16, 2006 until the dissolution of the Ninth Parliament on September 27, 2011.
According to Backer, Franklin “was very vested in politics and had a great knowledge in politics”. He was a friend, she said, and they had “many lively discussions about Guyana”, a country he loved though not born here. All he wanted, Backer said, was to “do his best to make a difference in this House”, and “he did his best”.
Government Member of Parliament Manzoor Nadir who supported the motion reflected on the life and work of Franklin. He described him as someone who was passionate about his task in the National Assembly and took pride in articulating his positions on various issues.
Franklin died on November 30, 2011.
Meanwhile, A Partnership for National Unity’s Basil Williams, in moving the motion for Robert Williams, described him as an exemplary person.
“He was a people’s person,” the MP said. He noted that Robert Williams was able to relate to all despite their positions in society. In his remarks supporting the motion, Alliance For Change MP Moses Nagamootoo said he and Robert Williams grew up together on the Corentyne, and Robert made his family and all Guyana proud. He recounted his childhood with Williams who served as fisheries minister under the PNC administration, a law enforcement officer, mayor, and deputy mayor.
Williams was described as a hard worker who was dedicated to whatever tasks that were put before him. Echoing similar sentiments was Presidential Advisor on Empowerment Odinga Lumumba, who said every task undertaken by the former deputy mayor, a role he performed until his death, was influenced by politics.
Williams served in the National Assembly from January 1, 1981 to November 13, 1986. He died on January 30, 2012.
AFC’s Khemraj Ramjattan moved the motion in the name of Sheila Holder, a former executive of that party and parliamentarian for 10 years. He described her work and dedication as “exemplary”. She was instrumental, he reminded the House, in the push for an increase in the Old Age Pension among other issues on which she felt passionately.
MP Indra Chandarpal said she has always had fond memories of Holder who was always well dressed. She, like the speakers before her, spoke of Holder’s dedication to her work as a parliamentarian and to ensuring that the lives of the ordinary citizens were improved.
Holder served the National Assembly from March 19, 2001 to September 27, 2011. She died after a prolonged illness in November 2011.

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