Guyana’s inaugural Flag Raising A national celebration of hoisting the Golden Arrowhead to signify Guyana as a free nation

The national expectation was great as were the plans to herald British Guiana into the field of independent nations as the 23rd member of the British Commonwealth.

The inaugural raising of the Golden Arrowhead on May 26, 1966
The inaugural raising of the Golden Arrowhead on May 26, 1966

While the main event was slated for May 25 at the Queen Elizabeth Park (now National Park), the events to welcome the more than 3000 VIPs and returning Guyanese were planned from Sunday May 22 to Sunday May 29, thus portraying the excitement and extended involvement of people in all parts of the country as part of the historic moment.
The main flag raising ceremony was scheduled for the National Park, but similar activities were also scheduled to be held in other parts of the country with major ceremonies in Essequibo, McKenzie/ Wismar/Christianburg (now Linden) and New Amsterdam.
Adrian Thompson and team also raised a flag at Mount Ayanganna.
Immediately preceding the ceremony at the National Park was the Grand State Banquet at Queen’s College.
With the frolic and fun permeating the nation in all areas, final touches were being done for the gala cultural performance at the National Park entitled “Ours the Glory” under Pageant Director Cicely Robinson. As stated by Godfrey Chin, over 900 school children, together with performers from the Theatre Guild Dance Group — musical ensembles — the nation’s major choral group and steel bands were part of this historical pageant.
This pageant however, was sadly cut by half due to time constraints and the planned tramp and parade the next day around town was rescheduled for security reasons. But this in no way thwart or diminish the enthusiasm of the evening as the thousands in the National Park, standing shoulder to shoulder with little space for movement did not even take the chance of blinking an eye thus missing any of the historic moments.
At 10:15pm Cheddi Jagan arrive with his son Joey and former Minister of Finance, DR. C. R. Jacobs. At 10:30pm the Guyana Defence Force gave a Military Band Display. At 10:40pm their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Kent other VIPs arrived. At 10:50pm Prime Minister, Forbes Burnham, arrived and embraced Cheddi Jagan to a tumultuous roar of appreciation and applause. At 10:56pm the Guyana Defence Force Band marched off. From 10:56pm to 11:53pm the pageant continued with display from Majorettes and club wielding soldiers and performances by steel bands.
At 11:53pm the combined bands of the Middlesex Regiment, the Guyana Defence Force along with soldiers from the various regiment and the Guyana Volunteer Force (their last appearance) marched on and arranged themselves around the Guyana flag.
A sudden hush and silence overcame the National Park as 2nd Lt. Desmond Roberts of the Guyana Defence Force and Lt. Jon Klass of the Middlesex Regiment stood before the Golden Arrowhead and the Union Jack.
Watched intently by the thousands assembled, Lt. Jon Klass proceeded to lower the Union Jack. In its place rose the Golden Arrowhead raised by 2nd Lt. Desmond Roberts.
Cheers rang out and a handshake between Sir Richard Luyt, and Prime Minister Forbes Burnham preceded the fireworks display. This first of its kind fireworks display for Guyana, featured a portrait of Forbes Burnham, a map of Guyana, the Kaieteur Falls, and the National Flag among other displays and were done by Brooks Fireworks Ltd. of London.
The first independence celebration has been the blue print for all subsequent flag raising ceremonies. (Taken from ‘Guyana’s 45th Independence Anniversary’ magazine 2011)

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