The manner in which child healthcare is being offered in Guyana will soon see a complete evolution through programmes that the Public Health Ministry has already started to organise to enhance the sector and provide exemplary service to the population.
This disclosure was made during an interview with Chief Medical Officer, Dr Shamdeo Persaud who informed Guyana Times International that there have been a number of unfortunate and avoidable maternal and infant deaths as a result of the fluctuating level of neonatal and prenatal care being offered in Guyana.
There will be a significant improvement in the conditions with the implementation of programmes and plans that the Ministry is undertaking in an attempt to advance health services throughout Guyana, in order to safeguard the lives of patients.
According to Dr Persaud, the situation where infants and mothers have been dying after being treated or having come through labour in perfect health has not gone unnoticed and as such, it is their priority to avert further cases from occurring and restore trust in medical personnel. “We have been observant of the infant mortality rates and it is our target to avoid this.”
He added that much emphasis would be placed on training doctors and nurses at a nationwide level so they are better equipped with the knowledge and skills to care for newborns and mothers.
Further, the Ministry will aim to improve the physical condition of all health facilities so that deliveries are done in clean and safe surroundings which are healthy and comfortable for both mothers and newborns during their time at the institution.
This, he said, will go a far way in preventing mothers or newborns from picking up any infection or medical condition as a result of their hospital environment.
At the end of 2015, there had been 17 reported maternal deaths from hospitals across Guyana, causing much distress in the Health Ministry.
Health Minister, Dr George Norton has vowed to work tirelessly with other health officials to address the situation and reduce the cases. He had further admitted that he was aware that some of the cases were as a result of the carelessness of healthcare practitioners who, on some occasions, are too laidback.