Guyana’s foreign minister pushes peace message at Arab summit

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has reiterated Guyana’s position for peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinian people at the 12th Summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett
Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett

Under the theme “The Muslim World: New Challenges and Expanding Opportunities”, the summit was held in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt from February 6 to 7, where the minister spoke about the ongoing conflict between the two states.
“As the first Caribbean Community (Caricom) country to recognise Palestine as a sovereign state based on its 1967 borders, and as a member of the United Nations Committee on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people, Guyana will continue to demonstrate support for peace that is sustained at all levels and will continue to work with the international community in all efforts that will galvanise a peaceful end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” said the minister.
Rodrigues-Birkett  pointed out that the government of Guyana will, as it has resolutely in the past, continue its unwavering support to the Palestinian people in their just struggle for their inalienable rights, including the right of a homeland of their own. She stated, “We in Guyana firmly believe that negotiations are the only way to bring a long awaited end to this conflict and we continue to pray that it won’t be long before the hopes and aspirations of the Palestinian people are realised.”
The minister added: “We also call upon the government of Israel to live up to its obligations under international law to the people of the occupied Palestinian territory, to cease the construction of settlements and to the complete lifting of the blockade of Gaza. We call too for an end to violence as this undermines reaching any settlement.”
She noted that it is crucial for the Israelis and Palestinians, with the assistance of the international community, to end this conflict and ensure that there is lasting peace throughout the Middle East, especially with the two states living side by side in peace and with secure borders.
This, Rodrigues-Birkett said, could be seen as a challenge and an opportunity, the latter more so since it will foretell well for the troubled Middle East region. She explained that meetings like this, offers a much needed opportunity to examine the current developments in the Middle East in the wider international arena.
“From Guyana’s standpoint, the current reality of the world indicates that those who advocate the scourge of terrorism are willing to use any and all means to achieve their warped goals.”

“However, no terrorist act can ever be justifiable. It is therefore incumbent on us governments to ensure that we take every precaution to prevent such attacks both within and outside our borders.  In so doing, countries must be mindful that in fighting terrorism, the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity and respect for basic human rights are not overlooked,” Rodrigues-Birkett noted while adding  “We face the reality of the present era where Islamophobia has increased. This we are aware, is an obstacle for co-operation in the management of global threats and challenges. Islamophobia by all means needs to be eradicated in the interest of peace, love, tolerance and development.”
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation is an international organisation consisting of 57 member states. The organisation was established in 1969 and it attempts to be the collective voice of the Muslim world and to safeguard the interests and ensure the progress and well-being of its member countries in an atmosphere of international peace.

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