Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela finally accredited

Guyana's Ambassador to Venezuela, Cheryl Miles  and Venezuela's Foreign Minister, Delcy Rodriguez
Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela, Cheryl Miles and Venezuela’s Foreign Minister, Delcy Rodriguez

Guyana’s Ambassador to Venezuela, Cheryl Miles was Wednesday afternoon accredited, several months after she was appointed.

“As of yesterday, she presented her credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela (Delcy Rodriguez). That fulfills an obligation that President Maduro had given in November last year,” Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge announced Thursday.

Greenidge was at the time responding to questions from opposition People’s Progressive Party Civic front-bencher, Gail Teixeira.

Miles had been identified in November, 2015 to fill the top post at the Guyana embassy in Venezuela, following the change in government.

Although Miles had relocated to Caracas, she had not presented her credentials at a time of rocky relations between the two countries over that Spanish-speaking nation’s ongoing claim to the Essequibo Region and the Altantic Sea offshore that section of Guyana’s territory.

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