The 11th session of the Guyana/ China Joint Commission brought much rewards to Guyana since several agreements were signed under that commission, Foreign Affairs Minister, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett told the media at a briefing on January 5 at the ministry, where she outlined some of the agreements signed between the two countries.
The two roll-on/roll-off ferries docked in Georgetown
The contract for the delivery of 27,000 laptops was sealed on September 14 when then permanent secretary at the Office of the President, Dr Nanda Gopaul and Haier Electrical Appliance Limited General Director of Key Projects, Sun Yongle inked the US$ 7.5 million agreement at the Office of the President. Haier had won the award after the tender was re-advertised in July for wider participation for the supply of the laptops.
Eleven bids were received and subsequently evaluated by a technical team to ascertain whether they were substantially responsive.
The 17 youth volunteers who are specialised in the fields of environment engineering, geology, physical education, sports (table tennis and karate), computer technology, agriculture and ornamental horticulture were placed at the ministries of Home Affairs, Education, Agriculture and Culture Youth and Sport, the Office of the President and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission for a period of one year.
Guyana benefited from a similar project in 2007 and 2009 which saw the volunteers contributing to capacity and institutional strengthening in the sectors in which they were placed. The governments of Guyana and China entered into an agreement to provide Guyana with two roll-on/roll-off ferries valued US$ 14.4 million, which allow for easier and faster loading and off-loading, since they connect directly to the stellings built to accommodate them. The vessels are intended to provide services at the crossing between Parika, Region Three, and Adventure, Region Two, and as such, the construction of roll-on/ roll-off stellings at Parika and Supenaam to accommodate the vessels has commenced. A grant agreement was also signed for 30 million Yuan to fund projects that will be determined this year.
Meanwhile, at the Third China Economic Trade Forum, Guyana signed another grant agreement for an additional 30 million Yuan, bringing the total funding for projects to 60 million Yuan.
Minister Rodrigues-Birkett stated that Guyana also facilitated the arrangement for the signing of the framework agreement for the e-governance project to the tune of 215 million Yuan.
On December 30, Guyana also signed the NCN/CCTV project where broadcast from the Chinese TV station will be done in Guyana on a regular basis.
The 11th Session for the Guyana/China Joint Commission on Economic Trade and Technical Cooperation was held at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC), on March 30, 2011 and saw the participation of China’s Ambassador to Guyana, Hu Wenzhe and other key government functionaries and Chinese delegation.
Minister Rodrigues-Birkett at that meeting pointed out that through a joint commission; the two countries have been able to concretise measures to promote programmes of functional cooperation. This year marks the 28th anniversary of the Guyana/ China Joint Commission, and according to the foreign affairs minister, the sustained exchange over the years has given added impetus to collaboration at economic and technical levels.