Guyana will soon up the campaign against chronic non-communicable diseases – Dr Ramsaran

The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), the United States embassy, and the private sector were on Sunday lauded by Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran for the overwhelming support given to the activities being held in observance of the “Caribbean Wellness Month”.

A patron enquiring about safe vaccination

At the time, Dr Ramsaran was speaking at the Guyana National Services Ground, Carifesta Avenue where a health fair was in full swing, part of the “Caribbean Wellness Month” initiative held under the theme “Love that Body: Love Life, Stay Healthy, Live Long”.
The U. S. embassy and PAHO have been integrally involved in the activities for this year’s Caribbean Wellness Month in Guyana, and the Health Fair and Fun Day was no exception, the health minister noted. He added that since the start of the year, the private sector has stepped up its game in promoting healthy lifestyles at worksites and has also pledged its support in the fight against chronic non-communicable diseases.
Qualfon, Laparkan, NEW GPC Inc, and Courts Guyana Incorporated are among the entities that were listed as stalwarts of the initiative. “We are going with our medical teams to these companies which have hundreds of workers; for example, Qualfon in BV has 1600; we are going to do our checks right in their premises and they are actually facilitating us by creating spaces where you have hand washing facilities, clean sterile conditions, and areas we can look at the work force in confidentiality.”
According to the minister, Guyana has done an outstanding job in curbing the HIV/ AIDS epidemic in the country, positing that the Health Ministry will lead the fight against the epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases.
“Guyana is positioning itself, especially in the common budgetary period, to up the campaign against the epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases, we have done a great job against HIV/ AIDS… now we have to look at other diseases. Trillions of dollars are spent every year by the entire world, including developing countries, fighting the consequences of this epidemic of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDS), much of it comes from inactivity, poor diet, and of course, the misuse of alcohol, and tobacco use; those are four threats that facilitate the spread of diseases like cancer, cardiac diseases, and diabetes,” Dr Ramsaran said.
He further stated that the wellness fair was strategically designed to bring Guyanese on par with steps required to maintain a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing the risk of contracting chronic non-communicable diseases, and the general response was tremendous. “The response here is good in terms of people seeking out information; we have well- crafted publication on health, with health messages and advice, and they are taking those to their communities.”
When Guyana Times International visited the fair, Sunday afternoon, Guyanese from all walks of life were seen exploring the many exhibits, with their enthusiasm for learning about healthy lifestyles.

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