Guyana to be marketed as popular tourist spot in German-speaking countries

With the aim of marketing Guyana as a divergent tourist destination, the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) hosted its first Familiarisation Trip (FAM Trip) for 2019, which saw members of the German media and officials exploring various parts of the country.
This was revealed at a recent press conference at the tourism’s agency office in Sophia, Greater Georgetown.
The GTA together with its contracted marketing representation firm, Fast-Forward Marketing, are industriously working to raise awareness and to further establish Guyana’s presence as a tourist destination mainly in the travel markets of German-speaking countries.

The team of German media personnel and tour operators: Ulf Von Rauchhaupt, Frank Heuer, Sabine Luwig, Stefanie Kendlinger, Christian Deutschländer, Thomas Vogler, Waldyke Prince, and Thomas Noga

To achieve this, the GTA intends to increase the demand for travel and strengthen the direct connections between international airlines, tour operators, and travellers moving between Guyana and Germany, while also catering for other German-speaking countries like Switzerland and Austria.
GTA Director Brian Mullis said since Guyana was not well-known in most travel markets, the agency planned to change that through media worldwide.
“So it’s always wonderful, particularly in a destination that’s not well-known in certain markets like the German market … we have to raise awareness, and the best way we can raise that awareness is bringing out media who are connected with the market of travellers we are trying to reach,” he asserted.
The FAM Trip is specifically geared towards educating the foreign media on Guyana as a tourist destination. The German tourist market has been selected since it has one of the highest rankings of well-travelled tourists who are seeking out authentic nature, culture and adventure experiences that Guyana offers in abundance.
Fast-Forward Marketing representative Thomas Vogler said the marketing agency was working with the GTA in seeking the best way to promote Guyana’s incomparable beauty.
“We wanted to make sure that the money the GTA, and the tourism ministry, is spending in Germany is well-spent and that we can really find the best solution for Guyana for the promotion of Guyana in the German market …. One of our goals is to work with our partners on getting those visitors to spend longer exploring Guyana and another is to increase awareness of those who have never visited and entice them to come to Guyana,” Thomas stated.
The group GTA just hosted consisted of five media personnel and two tour operators – all German nationals. Among the sites visited were the Kaieteur Falls and other eco-tourist destinations.

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