Guyana, Suriname bridge closer to reality

The governments of Guyana and Suriname will continue to pursue funding from the Inter-American Development Bank for a pre-feasibility study to build a bridge across the Corentyne River. This was one of the decisions taken during a meeting with the foreign ministers of both countries on Tuesday at the Grand Coastal Inn.

Guyana Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her Surinamese counterpart, Winston Lackin at the head table engage diplomats from both countries during their meeting on Tuesday (Carl Croker photo)

In a statement issued after the meeting it was noted that the Foreign Affairs Minister of Guyana, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, MP, and Winston Lackin, Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of Suriname met at the Grand Coastal Hotel, Plantation Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara, on Tuesday.
The meeting was in keeping with the mandate of the presidents of Guyana and Suriname that the foreign ministers should meet at least every six months to review the progress of the relations and the programme of cooperation between the two countries.
In this regard, their discussions focused on the decisions taken to cooperate more closely in the areas of agriculture, including fisheries, natural resources, exploration and exploitation, crime and security, climate change and coordination of positions in regional and hemispheric fora in particular, the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organisation (CTO), the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Nations (CELAC).
It was agreed that meetings involving officials from the agricultural and natural resources sectors, as well as security would take place within the next three months to implement outstanding activities aimed at deepening cooperation in those sectors.
The ministers discussed the decision taken by the government of Suriname for its diplomatic representation in Guyana to have a dual function with an ambassador appointed to Caricom to be resident in Guyana, with another resident ambassador handling bilateral issues.

Meanwhile, Lackin said Desi Bouterse’s administration has taken a decision that regional integration is of major importance and based on this, the relationship between Guyana/ Suriname is high on the country’s agenda. “We don’t look at the border controversy as an issue anymore but we see it as an opportunity for regional integration,” Lackin said.
Lackin added that since the two neighbours possess similarities within their economies, focus should be placed on human capital, natural resources while utilising the unique geographical position in Caricom, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Islamic Conference to capitalise on border with Europe.
The Suriname foreign minister stated that the political instrument as well as the areas of cooperation is in place. Lackin also stressed the need for South/ South cooperation and the possibility for the two countries to function as a bridge builder in Caricom which is an important decision in the foreign policies of both countries. “ In the last two years, relations have developed in such a positive direction that we have noticed a change in the economic movement and financial stability which can be used as an opportunity to develop our nation and peoples.”
Minister, Rodrigues-Birkett said the two countries’ relation are at its best in many years. She stated that paradoxically the very issue which was seen as a point of departure for the two countries is now seen as one which brings the nations together and presents a unique opportunity. “We are the only two countries in Caricom with a common land border which gives integration a different meaning for Guyana and Suriname. We are also the two smaller states in UNASUR,” Rodrigues-Birkett said.
Guyana and Suriname speak different languages compared to nine of the 10 others making the duo a minority in the Union of South American States. However, Rodrigues- Birkett said that being small can also have its advantages when it comes to integration. Because of the high level of trust, solidarity, friendship and understanding, the issues can be discussed in an atmosphere characterised of respect and friendships. “Our relations with Suriname are at its best in many years. We must not allow this time to pass us without capitalising on the opportunity that these relationships present. I was told that half the work of a foreign minister is completed if there exists good interpersonal relations with colleagues. In this light, I want to salute the genuine partnership development between the two countries,” the foreign minister remarked.
Rodrigues-Birkett noted that both countries have been setting an example for foreign policy coordination in several respects and expressed confidence that many more trends will develop through constant rapport.

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