Guyana seeking to deepen relations with South American counterparts

President Donald Ramotar said even though Guyana remains committed to the Caribbean Community (Caricom), it recognises the common aspiration to deepen integration with South American countries. Speaking at the 45th Summit of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) in Montevideo, Uruguay, where Guyana was accepted as an associate member of the organisation, Ramotar said the new-found partnership is another step in that direction.

President Donald Ramotar and his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff at the MERCOSUR Summit in Montevideo, Uruguay
President Donald Ramotar and his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff at the MERCOSUR Summit in Montevideo, Uruguay

“It is my belief that the bridge between the South and the Caribbean is getting stronger as both Guyana and Suriname are members of Caricom, Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and now associate members of MERCOSUR.
“Let me also underscore Mr President, (José Mujica) that this membership by Guyana is not just a mere indication of our interest in trade matters, even though I will be extremely pleased to see an increase in mutually beneficial trade, but a political statement that Guyana, small as we are, recognises the importance of integration in all its forms for the upliftment of our people.
“For too long we have shared one continent yet knew little of each other as evidenced by this being my first visit to this beautiful country. Needless to say, I have had to travel north, and flew back over my country to get here.”
President Ramotar also used the opportunity to condemn the way in which the aircraft taking Bolivian President Evo Morales home was forced to land in Vienna, Austria and then searched. “This outrageous act which, among other things, represents an erosion in international relations, must be condemned by all of us. I wish to express my solidarity with President Morales and the government and people of Bolivia and demand an apology from those responsible.
Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her counterparts from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Venezuela, last Thursday signed a framework agreement paving the way for Guyana to join MERCOSUR as an associate member.
A Foreign Affairs Ministry release stated that the initiative arose out of the decision taken by the Council of Ministers at the MERCOSUR summit held in Brasilia in December 2012 to foster and strengthen the relationship between MERCOSUR and Guyana.
Among the areas covered by the framework association agreement are: political, economic, trade, productive development, cultural and other cooperation issues.
Following the signing of the agreement, Rodrigues-Birkett thanked her colleague foreign ministers for welcoming Guyana into the MERCOSUR family.

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