Guyana renews bilateral ties with France

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy, who is performing the duties of foreign affairs minister, joined French Ambassador to Guyana Joel Godeau Monday evening at the reception in honour of France’s National Day – La Fête Nationale (Bastille Day) on Sunday.

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, French Ambassador Joel Godeau, acting Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and Major General of the French Guiana Armed Forces, Bernard Metz making a toast in observance of France’s National Day
Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, French Ambassador Joel Godeau, acting Foreign Affairs Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy and Major General of the French Guiana Armed Forces, Bernard Metz making a toast in observance of France’s National Day

Speaking at the event held at Duke Lodge, Kingston, Prime Minister Hinds, on behalf of the government and people of Guyana, extended best wishes to France. “In celebrating the country’s history, the government of Guyana wishes to applaud the accomplishments of the leading player in the development of the 21st century. The government has made contributions to Guyana in the economic programme and police cooperation,” Hinds said.
He highlighted the relationship shared by the two nations over the years, especially France’s contributions to Guyana’s military, and welcomed the visit of the French army which has strengthened the bilateral relationship with regards to environment and security, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported.
“I am confident that France will continue to make meaningful contributions to Guyana. We’re looking forward to strengthening that bilateral relation,” Prime Minister Hinds stated.
French Ambassador Godeau also spoke of the relationship between the two countries, and noted that France shares a common geographic space and environment with Guyana.
The French diplomat highlighted the cooperation of the French and Guyanese police forces, and expressed satisfaction in this regard. He added that the training sessions done by the French will be continuous, as more local police officers and firefighters will benefit.
He lauded the two countries’ bilateral relationship which he hopes will deepen in the future. This celebration was also attended by French and Guyanese officials and citizens, as well as members of the diplomatic corps.
Bastille Day is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. The capture of the Bastille Prison, a symbol of the Ancien Régime, on July 14, 1789, marked the end of King Louis XVI’s absolute and arbitrary power and the transformation of France’s revolution in the name of Liberté, Égalité, and Fraternité (Liberty, Equality and Fraternity). Bastille Day is celebrated as the day France took its first steps to becoming the First Republic of France in 1792.
There are popular celebrations in the streets of France along with political events, military parades, public speeches and fireworks.
Every town in France and its colonies commemorate Bastille Day, with excitement and pride.

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