Guyana preparing for second Inter-Guiana Festival

Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony

Head of the Fashion Committee for the Inter-Guiana Cultural Festival, Carol Fraser promises to take fashion to new informative and educational heights when Guyana hosts the second Inter-Guiana Cultural Festival next month.
The festival, which is a fusion of the cultural diversity of the three Guianas, is slated to be held from August 23 to 26, with fashion, music, drama, food and dance on show.
Fraser said that expectations are very high and fashion will definitely be one of the highlights based on last year’s festival in Suriname.
“This is the second year of the Guiana Culture Fest. This is an initiative by the three governments of… Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname. Last year, Suriname was the host country and this year, it’s Guyana’s turn to host the event. Last year, Guyana created an impact in Suriname and it’s not going to be any different this year,” she said
Fraser described her team as a group of competent individuals who think outside the box. She anticipates that patrons will have a unique and unforgettable experience.
“We are going to tell a story from Christopher Columbus to present time. You are going to see the different races; you are going to see fashion from then to now and I know there wouldn’t be a moment when you are not smiling, clapping, or wishing you were part of the cast on stage,” Fraser said.
She promised a bevy of fresh faces on stage, including never-before seen models and persons least expected to walk a stage at a fashion event.
The fashion coordinator, who is the chief executive officer of Miracle Hands, is encouraging designers who work under ‘bottom houses’ and who are looking for an opportunity to unleash their potential and a platform to showcase their work, to sign up for the festival.
Auditions for designers and models began on Sunday.

Fashion coordinator Carol Fraser

“The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport has taken off the bulk of everything and they are working tediously from since last year. What we are doing right now is contacting the fashion sector in the two other participating countries to ensure that whatever they may need to make their presence felt and make them comfortable in the country and on stage, that those needs are met.”
Beginning with a gala welcome and launching celebration at the National Cultural Centre on the evening of August 23, the festival will be a three-day cultural explosion.
The Culture, Youth and Sport Ministry said the festival will showcase the best in the cultural traditions and contemporary artistic offerings of French Guiana, Suriname, and Guyana.
Venues range from the International Convention Centre, Liliendaal to the Main Street Avenue and the brand new Craft Association facility in Kingston, Georgetown.

Show of unity
At a meeting initiated by Suriname, it was decided by the three Guianas that the festival would contribute significantly to the strengthening of friendly relations among the people of the countries. Such a festival would also serve to promote the cooperative development agenda of the countries in the fields of arts and culture.

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