Guyana has been removed from the Tier Two watch list in the U. S. State Department’s report on Trafficking in Persons, and is now just on the Tier Two list. Government believes that its protest of Guyana’s 2010 Tier Two watch list ranking has paid off.
The report, released on Monday, June 27 by U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, said the Guyanese authorities do not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of this scourge, but are making significant efforts to do so.
“Officials achieved an important milestone during the year — the first conviction of a trafficking offender — and there was new information that some public servants, including mining officials, made efforts to try to rescue potential victims,” the report pointed out.
But, according to the report, this progress could be threatened by the government’s continued denial of the widespread nature of TIP, poor victim protection, and lack of action against official complicity in human trafficking.
The report stated that cases of human trafficking within the country during this reporting period mostly involved women and girls in situations of forced prostitution, and Guyanese citizens were even subjected to forced prostitution and forced labour in other countries of the region.
“People in domestic service in Guyana are vulnerable to human trafficking, and instances of the common Guyanese practise of poor rural families sending children to live with higher- income family members or acquaintances in more populated areas sometimes transforms into domestic servitude,” the report outlined. It further listed other vulnerable groups as women in prostitution, children working in hazardous conditions, and foreign workers.
But a serious accusation is that victims of this horrendous act “face disincentives to self-identify to authorities, due to fear of retribution from trafficking offenders, fear of resettlement to abusive home situations, fear of arrest, and lack of awareness that human trafficking is a crime.”
According to the report, there is evidence that some victims were penalised for crimes committed as a direct
Guyana has been removed from the Tier Two watch list in the U. S. State Department’s report on Trafficking in Persons, and is now just on the Tier Two list. Government believes that its protest of Guyana’s 2010 Tier Two watch list ranking has paid off.
result of being in a trafficking situation. The report, quoting ‘local observers’, noted that other potential victims may have been sent to the juvenile detention centre and/or being arrested and charged with “wandering” as a result of their trafficking experience.