Guyana hoping to attract more Chinese tourists

chineseGuyana’s efforts to attract more tourists and to promote its adventure and eco-tourism products were boosted recently with a special marketing presentation by the Global Friendships Foundation in the city of Fuzhou in Fujian Province, China.

The event was a special forum with travel agents and tour consultants of Fuzhou City and other parts of the Fujian Province, and publicised the exceptional tourism products Guyana has to offer travellers from around the world, but more specifically, Chinese tourists who want culture, adventure, sports and eco-tourism.

Those in attendance were told of Guyana’s beauty, unique cultural heritage and natural attractions which make it an ideal destination for Chinese tourists. The agents and operators were advised that rather than the sun and sand tourism product offered by many of its Caribbean neighbours, Guyana offers vast open spaces; savannahs; virgin rainforests; mountains; huge rivers and waterfalls, the most famous of which is the majestic Kaieteur Falls, known to be the highest single-drop waterfall in the world, five times taller than Niagara Falls. Additionally, they were shown a number of audiovisual and PowerPoint presentations on Guyana’s abundant wildlife, including numerous species of flora and fauna, particularly its spectacular birds.

Specifically as it relates to Georgetown, they were shown its picturesque, tree-lined avenues, bustling markets, and wooden buildings, including the renowned St George’s Cathedral, reportedly the world’s tallest wooden building.

During this forum, a special presentation was done on the Aruwai White H2O Resort. The Gy$15 billion resort, situated on an island in the mighty Essequibo River opened its doors in December, and houses 50 rooms, a spa, gym and all the modern amenities for tourists and locals to enjoy a vacation surrounded by lush nature.

The travel agents and tour consultants were particularly captivated by the possibilities this new facility offered Chinese tourists such as cruises to nearby Amerindian villages and tours to nearby waterfalls and mining areas.

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