…Ramkarran says Govt must reevaluate its attitude to Chinese investors

China has been good for Guyana; aid and investment have flowed liberally and Guyana has benefited greatly but unfortunately the present government, when in opposition, took a negative position on the activities of Chinese companies in Guyana and it has brought some of that sentiment in its policies.
This is the view held by former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran, who over the weekend in his converstationtree.org outlet called on the coalition A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Government to embrace China and the opportunities that exist for Guyana.
Ramkarran made his position public on the heels of that nation celebrating its 67th Anniversary, an occasion at which Head of State, President David Granger pledged continued cooperation with China and its peoples.
The former Speaker did observe that some Chinese companies have not adhered to investment agreements and this has resulted in the impression that all Chinese investments are questionable.
During the celebrations held locally by the Chinese Embassy, Ambassador Zhang Limin did warn Chinese companies operating locally to ensure they abide by the local laws.

Ralph Ramkarran