Guyana has been denied a world-class sports complex

Dear Editor,

The political opposition through it main mouthpiece, a local newspaper, have succeeded in denying Guyana’s aspiring sportsmen, women and all Guyanese a world-class sports complex in the heart of Georgetown. This leaves me to wonder, with what face they are now going to talk about youths and sport, youth empowerment, youth violence, drug and alcohol abuse, and other issues affecting youths.

I guess it is with their usual straight and expressionless faces! This latest action by the opposition through that newspaper also means that the opposition now have no moral authority whatsoever to make any statement on behalf of Guyana’s youths.

Any further attempt by the opposition as of now, to speak on behalf of Guyana’s youths would simply be a clear case of pure hypocrisy, speaking from both sides of their mouths. To the best of my knowledge, neither Khemraj Ramjattan, David Granger nor any other opposition leader, who ever so often loves to play the ‘youth neglect’ card against the government, had any comment on the newspaper’s nasty and successful campaign against the project’s investor and his eventual withdrawal.

This is a clear indication as to the opposition’s priority – grab power at any cost. Never mind the fact that the future of Guyana, the youths are being made to pay the price. Their narrow political objectives are far more important than the dreams and aspirations of Guyana’s youths, especially our young and aspiring sportsmen and women.

This is how they intend to ensure that young Guyanese, especially young aspiring sportsmen and sportswomen realise their dreams and aspirations. This is how they expect Guyana to one day have its own Usain Bolt.

It is my hope that every Guyanese, especially the younger generation would finally see that the opposition’s words and actions are always in the opposite. The name of the game they are playing with the future of Guyana and its youths is called ‘power at any cost’.

It is therefore, only logical that the opposition will now stop being hypocritical and permanently abstain from speaking on behalf of Guyanese youths, stop deceiving them and insulting their intelligence with rhetoric and lies about having their welfare at heart. Their actions have so far proved otherwise.  After all, we all know that actions speak louder than words.

Does the owner of that newspaper and the opposition have something better to offer our youths, now that they have succeeded in killing yet another multimillion dollar development project?


Yours sincerely,

Faruk Mohamed


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