Guyana has an unlimited amount of natural resources – local designer

By Venessa Deosaran

Nadia Jabour with a few of her designs

Endowed with the skill for designing authentic and original pieces of jewellery, local designer Nadia Jabour is expanding her business regionally and internationally, proving that Guyanese are indeed talented people.
Nadia, in an interview with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, revealed that she started designing jewellery in Toronto, Canada about 5 years ago.
“I have always been creative, but after moving back to Canada was never able to find a niche area of the arts to develop, but with having teenage girls always wanting to have something different, I ventured into a class and never stopped after that.”
‘Designs by Nadia’ are chic jewellery mainly made with natural seeds, wood, leather, sea glass and any other bits that Nadia can pick up along the way from her travels. Most of her raw material comes from Guyana and the Caribbean islands. The designer pointed out that Guyana has an “unlimited amount of natural resources that need to be used in a variety of ways and marketed to the world.”
From conceptualization to finish, Nadia disclosed, a piece takes about 2 hours. She described her pieces as “naturally fashionable”, which she explained: “The world is becoming more aware of environmental issues, and as such, persons are having a better appreciation for anything made from natural material. With the shattered economies, people are slowing down buying items that are mass produced and give back little to the people. With this in mind, I design my jewellery with natural material and beads from around the world.”
Within the past year, with the help of a grant from Caribbean Export, Nadia was able to hire and train someone, as well as open up markets both regionally and in Canada. Through this grant, she was able to design approximately 300 pieces. Her collections are one-of-a-kind designs that are sold to stores and boutiques.
“I like the boldness, the statement, the conversation pieces, the uniqueness, the use of material that I incorporate in my designs. My two girls and I wear my designs all the time, and are always complimented on them. My clientele ranges from women between ages 18 to over 80. My mom is a big fan of them too and she is 87. Due to the variety of designs and material, I have found that many working women wear them with their suits as they are statement pieces. I have had orders from brides and wedding parties, and believe it or not, many men buy them for their wives as they find them very unusual,” noted the designer.
Nadia said she always had a desire to create with a difference. She is currently working on a line of men’s jewellery inspired by her two sons. Her recent works have now included a unique collection of gold and silver, which has created a new market using precious metals with pieces of nature.
A few of Nadia’s pieces were featured in the June 2010 edition of ‘SHE Magazine’. Nadia was also chosen to participate in ‘Design Caribbean 2011’ in Dominican Republic. Her designs are sold in Toronto, Canada, St Lucia, Barbados and Guyana. She is currently showcasing her collections in Canada.
Nadia is always conceptualizing new pieces as she focuses on creating with a difference. Despite challenges, she hopes to market her pieces in more countries, proving that as a woman anything is possible with determination and hard work.
Check out Designs by Nadia on Facebook to view more of Nadia’s fashionable pieces. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

Nadia’s stylish orange and white stained glass accent
Bold statement piece with touches of yellow and amber
Chic earrings by Nadia Jabour
Nadia also designs spoons to complement culinary utensils

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