Guyana, Guatemala to cooperate in sugar sector

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her Guatemalan counterpart Luis Fernando Carrera Castro signing an agreement to enhance political consultations
Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and her Guatemalan counterpart Luis Fernando Carrera Castro signing an agreement to enhance political consultations

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett made a two-day visit to Guatemala at the invitation of her counterpart, Luis Fernando Carrera Castro, on January 15-16.

The local envoy discussed tourism, sugar and handicraft, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a statement.

Guatemala Sugar Association President Fraterno Vila expressed a keen interest in working with Guyana in the sugar sector.

Himself a private miller and farmer, Vila has more than 35 years’ experience in sugar and owns one of the most efficient and productive companies in the sugar sector.

According to the ministry, he guided Minister Rodrigues-Birkett on a tour of his operations. Guatemala is the fourth largest sugar exporter in the world and third in terms of efficiency and productivity. Guyana will continue to engage Guatemala in cooperation on this sector.

Guatemala also boasts a developed handicraft industry, which is closely linked to the tourism sector.  At a meeting with officials from these two sectors, assistance was offered to Guyanese women in particular, as Guyana seeks to develop its handicraft industry.

Guyana and Guatemala established diplomatic relations in 1992, but bilateral relations have not been very active. In an effort to strengthen these relations, Minister Rodrigues-Birkett had invited Minister Carrera to Guyana and he paid a working visit in August 2013.

During her visit, Minister Rodrigues-Birkett and Minister Carrera signed an Agreement on Political Consultations which would provide a mechanism for Guyana and Guatemala to develop coordinated positions on several matters, as well as allow regular exchanges on issues of common interest on the regional and international agendas.

Minister Rodrigues-Birkett was accompanied by Foreign Service Officer Jevon Rodrigues.


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