Guyana Govt’s decision to VAT private education is immoral

Dear Editor,

The Guyana’s Private Schools United is heartened by the support we received for our first peaceful protest exercise outside the Finance Ministry. The turnout, we hold, is indicative of the groundswell that is emerging against the imposition of VAT on education. Our presence also confirms that the Government’s intention to have a more socially cohesive society is being spurred by what we hold is not only a wrong, but immoral, decision.

We reiterate that education is a right and we should not be penalised for our choices. We, like all right-minded parents, are only seeking to have a ‘Good Life’ for our children. Our body holds that the issue of tax compliance is a red herring meant to distract from the additional burden that is being placed on our already overburdened backs. The Government and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) should fulfil their mandate and not seek to make us victims of their laxity.

Our movement as is demonstrated is made up of persons from all strata of society and united in a common cause against this injustice meted out against us. Important as we forge ahead and trumpet our clarion call is the need for us to encourage others to join our movement. Do not be despondent and afraid; let us not be lulled. In unity, there is strength and our strength will take us to victory!

We need to be the voices for our children and as the Song of Guyana’s Children says let us show: “What Guyana’s sons and daughters can be”.

 Education is a right! No to VAT on education!


Dr Brian O’Toole


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