Guyana govt in support of setting up local DEA office

By Ariana Gordon 

PPP presidential candidate Donald Ramotar

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) presidential candidate Donald Ramotar said he has no objections to the setting up of a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) office locally should he be elected president.

In an interview with Guyana Times International on Tuesday, Ramotar said international cooperation is important in fighting illicit activities.

“Oh sure, we have said that before, and we are ready to repeat that again,” he said when questioned about the opening of a DEA office in Guyana.

The DEA is a United States Department of Justice law enforcement agency tasked with controlling the growth of narco-trade in the U.S. In 2009, President Jagdeo acknowledged there is a critical need for radar coverage of the country’s jungles, noting the number of illegal airstrips is increasing.

He noted at that time that having a DEA office in the country would aid in detecting those airstrips, adding that such a partnership between the government of Guyana and the U.S. would result in tougher extradition laws.

Over the years, there have been several discussions about the establishment of a DEA office but an office is yet to be opened.

Only recently, head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon said government’s interest in having the office will be revived.

In 2006, then U.S. Ambassador to Guyana Ronald Bullen called for a DEA office to be set up with urgency, noting that the drug trade in Guyana was expanding rapidly.

He believed that having the DEA means the country would be better able to fight drug trafficking.

Only recently, a U.S. ambassador was stationed after a two-year period of non-appointment of same.

Meanwhile, Ramotar said under his rule he would ensure that Guyana collaborates with international agencies to fight crime, especially as it relates to the drug trade that is on the increase.

“I think fighting crime has to be taken in a general and total context. We can’t do it piecemeal, and we have also to seek international co operation to fight crime regionally and further internationally.”

Disciplined forces

He added that it is equally important for ranks of the disciplined forces to be better trained thereby improving the intelligence capacity of the Guyana Police Force in particular. That aside, Ramotar stated that all considerations must be tied into the judicial reforms that are taking place.

“There should be also prison reforms, so it has to be a totality of things. I don’t think we can find a silver bullet or a point to one thing… we can say that this will solve the crime problem permanently; it has to be a crime package of things that we have to be working on simultaneously.” He, however, noted that he is not sure that the country’s crime situation would be curbed should foreigners be invited to assist in managing the disciplined forces.

“I don’t know if that will solve the problem, but if I get into the government and have a look at what we have generally and if I conclude then that that is something necessary to do, I will do it. At this point in time, I haven’t concluded that that is necessary.” When asked by this publication whether upon entering office he would move to raise the salaries of those persons employed in the disciplined forces, Ramotar said: “As far as the economy can afford … if the economy can afford surely, but I don’t know what increases you can give to prevent people who are bent on taking bribes, because the drug trade and so forth has a lot of money in it.” The presidential hopeful said what needs to be addressed is the character of those employed in that sector.

“I think we have to depend very strongly on people’s integrity and character.

I am not saying that we shouldn’t raise their pay, but it should not be only raising their pay but character is very, very important.” He noted that crime is an area he intends to tackle with urgency, as the crime wave in Guyana needs to be reduced. Increasing security for citizens is of utmost importance, he told Guyana Times International.

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