Guyana Goebbels

Satiricus has studied Hitler’s Minister of propaganda, Goebbels rather closely. He figured that anybody who could rile up the supposedly most civilised nation in Europe to exterminate six million Jews should be recognisable. Just in case a new Goebbels spouted his vitriol in Satiricus’ backyard.
Goebbels’ formula was simple: tell a lie long enough and everyone will start believing it.
Satiricus was therefore roused from his usual laid back attitude when he read the owner of the Muckraker, Glennie repeat Goebbels’ old and dangerous formula. A light went off in his head. He had to share it with the gang at the old watering hole.
“I have it from the horse’s mouth, how the Muckraker became so popular in Guyana,” said Satiricus excitedly.
“And what did the horse say?” Mukesh asked with a smile. “Or hearing Glennie during the NICIL debate when he had to be rescued by Baddam! Barris, what did he bray?” “The man swore by Goebbels rule and said ‘if you tell a lie often enough some of it will stick in people’s minds,” said Satiricus in a rush.
“Glennie used the word ‘often’?” Hari wanted to know. “That is not backtracker’s language.” “Well, the news release said so,” said Satiricus impatiently.
“Me na know who a dis “Gorbell” but me know every blasted day de Muckraker a print wan lie about somebody!” Cappo was emphatic.
“Especially about Jagdeo and Ramroop,” noted Suresh.
“When somebody get up he gat to pull dem down.” “Nah mind how far pumpkin vine a run, me friend, one day he must dry up,” promised Cappo. “Glennie day a come.” “Well, the vine already start to dry up,” Hari piped up. “Didn’t you see the U. S. pushing for the government to crack down on people who trafficking in people?”
“But me hear dem na mind people who a do the backtrack,” noted Cappo. “But lemme tell yuh. Dem backtrackers like Glennie a do worse thing to dem young gyaal dem a carry.” “Me hear Glennie carry news pan he friends in de dirty business, and de U. S. give he back he visa,” reported Bungi.
“Ooooh! You mean Glennie is a snitch?” Mukesh wanted to know. “That’s dangerous. For him!” “Listen chap, what about Glennie revealing his philosophy – tell a lie every day and he’ll have people believing him.”
“Bai, me tell yuh. Every day bucket a guh well, wan day ‘e battam gon fall out!’ Cappo chuckled. “Glennie day coming.”
“But not only that,” said Suresh softly. “What was it that fella Abraham Lincoln said? You can fool some of the people some of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”
“But what’s bothering me is that I understand that some of the people like to hear gossip,” confided Satiricus. “But why smart people like professionals and business people don’t speak out against the Muckraker.” “Sato me friend,” said Cappo as he leaned over on his elbows. “Lemme teach yuh wan lesson. All dem big wan yuh call, dem jus glad Glennie na attack dem. But dem day guh come.” Satiricus hoped that the ‘big ones’ wouldn’t wait until the Guyana Goebbels had people fighting against each other.

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