Guyana, EU advance negotiations on forestry agreement

The National Technical Working Group (NTWG) has been involved in meetings and the second round of negotiations with representatives from the European Union (EU) relating to the Guyana-EU Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (EU FLEGT VPA).

Guyana’s negotiating team (left) and the EU’s in Brussels, Belgium
Guyana’s negotiating team (left) and the EU’s in Brussels, Belgium

The NTWG, represented by a 14-member delegation from Guyana comprising of government officials, indigenous community, private sector and civil society representatives, arrived in Brussels, Belgium on July 15 for the engagements.
Thematic areas discussed during the four-day session included an overview of the EU customs procedures related to FLEGT licensed timber, the progress made to date by Guyana, the road map for the VPA, legality definition and Guyana’s legality assurance systems.
Additionally, the negotiating delegation had dialogue with representatives from various international civil society groups regarding the involvement of civil society organisations in Guyana and their contribution to the VPA process.
Following the successful discussions in Brussels, the NTWG will continue consultations and meetings to ensure the VPA process is developed in a participatory manner.

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