As part of activities to mark Energy Week, the Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) on Friday launched an e- book to promote energy conservation among Guyanese. GEA Legal Officer Kiran Mattai said the e- book “Guidelines for an Energy Efficient Home” will help to raise awareness about the need for conservation and for renewable energy in Guyana.
“This document highlights pictures and simple tips in which a home can be modified or even built with the overarching message of energy efficiency,” Mattai said.
The e- book also shows citizens how to save money by utilising energy- efficient appliances, construction methods or tips of everyday life.
Mattai explained that the ebook was divided into various sections to deliberately target different aspects of everyday activity within the home and other areas. The e- book encourages the public to make better choices by adopting its recommendations for an energy- efficient home.
Guyana’s Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said energy conservation remains a top priority on government’s agenda, and it will work to ensure that its objectives in this area are achieved with the support of local and international partners.
He said as countries have developed, the demand for energy has increased significantly.
He credited former President Bharrat Jagdeo for setting the stage for Guyana to follow a low- carbon pathway.
Guyana, Hinds stressed, is making strides in creating an alternative and renewable energy sector with assistance of international partners. “As we look to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases … we look at improving the efficiency of the energy we can now use and to support that we have at least three programmes of auditing that has been undertaken in Guyana,” the prime minister stated.
These include an assistance programme with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which is aimed at promoting energy efficiency and conservation. The second programme is being carried out in partnership with the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB), and aims to help five industrial companies conserve on energy. The last collaboration is with the European Union (EU), which supports the Hinterland Electrification Project.
Hinds praised the initiative shown by the GEA to observe Energy Week and bring experts together to chart the future for Guyana’s renewable energy sector. The prime minister said the state is looking forward to being assisted by India in developing a biomass production sector in Guyana. The e- book is available for download from the GEA website www. com. It will be made available in hard copies to banks and other agencies early next year.