Guyana- China trade to top US$100M this year – Ambassador Yu Wenzhe

President Bharrat Jagdeo and Chinese Ambassador to Guyana Yu Wenzhe admire two balloon figures of Guyana and China at the reception. Also in photo are Caricom Secretary General Irwin LaRocque and another official

Trade between Guyana and China has grown by some 15.8 per cent for the first half of this year, and projections have put the total value of bilateral trade at US$100M for 2011, Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Yu Wenzhe, told a reception to mark the 62 anniversary of the founding of the Asian giant at the Pegasus Hotel on Wednesday evening.

He said close economic cooperation between Guyana and China and the dynamic people-to-people interactions have continued over the years, noting that this year the relations have been further developed.

“Our two countries supported each other on many bilateral, regional and international issues. The win-win economic cooperation has brought tangible benefits to the people of the two countries.” The ambassador said that, over the past 39 years, China-Guyana relations have maintained a sound momentum of growth.

He noted that, in 2011, China’s relations with Guyana have been further developed, and the two countries continue to support each other in areas of interest.

“It is a win-win economic cooperation that has brought many tangible benefits to the people of both countries.” The Chinese ambassador called for strengthened ties to be continued with Guyana, noting that China has been integrally involved in several facets of Guyana’s development, and will continue to work with the government to ensure that the spirit of cooperation and goodwill progresses.

“… long live the fruitful and bilateral cooperation between China and Guyana… Bilateral relations have matured beyond any doubt to further strengthen cooperation … May we keep on working harder to further cement the China-Guyana friendship and cooperation. I am convinced that the seeds of friendship together will grow… our close cooperation will bear more and more fruit in the days to come,” the ambassador said.

Speaking about the development of China, the ambassador said that Beijing had gone through an extraordinary journey in the last 62 years, noting that over the last 33 years, China has been able to adopt its policy of reform opening to the outside world, thereby being able to achieve remarkable achievements in many fields. Ambassador Wenzhe said China’s economy has grown significantly over the last 30 years, and the country has been able to maintain an annual growth of 10 per cent over those 30 years.

“The people’s living standards have been improved greatly — the last 30 years saw some 250 million people in China being taken out of poverty. We are making big strides towards modernization.” He added that China’s progress over the years is as a result of maintaining peaceful relationships with others. “Peaceful development is the only way that China could achieve progress and prosperity. The people of the world have benefited from China’s peaceful development.” The Chinese ambassador said “China’s peaceful development is indicative of the fact that there are more opportunities rather than challenges.

“Meanwhile, President Bharrat Jagdeo hailed relations between the two countries as “long lasting” that will see a “strengthened bonds over time.” President Jagdeo said there is no doubt that the developing world has much to thank the Chinese government for. He stated that China has played a leading role in strengthening and building ties between the developed and developing world.

“We welcome your presence in our country … China is known for its industriousness and progressiveness … We always have a welcoming arm for (to) Chinese people,” Jagdeo stated. He said, the Chinese economy has developed drastically over the last 30-plus years, and the people of China have worked tirelessly to bring their economy to the number two position in the world. “We want China to do well, we don’t see China as a threat, we welcome foreign investors here … China has always been friendly, and supported us in tangible ways.”

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