Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman on Monday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Chile’s Minister of Mining, Baldo Prokurica and the National Service of Geology and Mining of the Government of the Republic of Chile (SERNAGEOMIN).
The Memorandum provides a framework for the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge and the augmentation of scientific and technical capabilities of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) and SERNAGEOMIN with respect to Earth Sciences and Mining.
“The signing of this MoU brings to fruition areas discussed when His Excellency, President David Granger visited Chile two years ago. We look to Chile as a good example for productive and safe mining practices and how the proceeds of mining can be utilised for the benefit of the citizens. This relationship between Guyana and Chile will benefit our people immensely and we can look to no better example than Chile of how to do it properly”, Trotman stated.
Chile’s Mining Minister Prokurica said his country was pleased to be able to share its knowledge and expertise with Guyana.
He noted that Chile was known throughout the world as an important mining country. “We are very interested in signing this agreement and further collaboration especially in geological services … 20 per cent of mining services provided in Peru are Chileans,” he added.
Forms of cooperation under the Memorandum may consist of exchanges of technical information; visits; participation in training courses, conferences, and symposia; exchange of professional geoscientists in areas of mutual interest; and any other cooperative research consistent with programmes of the parties.
Specific areas of cooperation include, but are not limited to geochemical and geological mapping and data analysis, economic geology and metallogenesis.
GGMC Geological Services Division Manager Gordon Nestor noted that the MoU cleared the way for greater capacity building in the Commission.
“It will help boost capacity for geological and land management platforms and the development of professionals in geosciences, geophysics and structural management and data management,” he noted.
Collaboration between SERNAGEOMIN and GGMC has started with two outward visits of GGMC staff to Chile and one inward from SERNAGEOMIN to the GGMC. There are three Chileans working at the GGMC.