Guyana, Belize key locations for boosting poultry feed production – CPA

Caribbean Poultry Association (CPA) Executive Director, Dr Desmond Ali, believes that Guyana and Belize are prime locations for the development of large-scale poultry feed production. This follows his pronouncement that the Caribbean’s poultry industry is “under threat because of the huge amount of imports mainly from the USA”. As part of the response to the threat from U. S. imports and rising and volatile global cereals prices, the CPA is seeking to develop regional production and trade in poultry feed. It has been estimated that the region’s poultry feed requirements could be produced on 100,000-hectare farm, with such land available in Belize and Guyana.

Until 2008, Russia was the world’s largest poultry importer; however, imports have been severely curtailed since then. In 2011, imports were expected to fall a further 30 per cent compared to 2010, taking import levels down to only one-third of those prevailing in 2008.

The situation in the Caribbean is, of course, compounded by its “unfortunate position of being located between Brazil to the south and the United states to the north who are the two largest exporters of poultry products in the world”. In this context, Dr Ali said, “The industry in the Caribbean now has to look for ways to deal with the cheap imports from the USA.” In the Caribbean, “the poultry sector is one of the largest sub-sectors in agriculture generating about US$ 650 million in sales annually”. (Business Guyana)

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