Learn how to survive in the Amazon jungle with nothing but a machete, and then test your skills in isolation. Live deep in remote Amazonian rainforest, sleep in jungle hammocks, train with local Amerindian guides, survive the isolation phase and visit the world’s tallest single drop waterfall, Kaieteur.
Jungle survival is 90 per cent positive mindset and if you got it, it would be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It is a true test of your mental stamina.
The Bushmasters group that offers these trips has mastered the art of survival in deep remote rainforest. The ‘full survival’ trip is a two-week journey that takes you to the remote, pristine jungles of Guyana. With a Bushmasters instructor and the vast knowledge of two senior, local Amerindian guides, you would learn just how comfortable you can make yourself in the jungle with almost nothing.
Before you even reach your remote jungle base camp deep in the rainforest, you would have travelled via a light aircraft, 4×4 vehicle and boat. In between, a stop is made in a local Amerindian community, where you will be equipped with specialised jungle gear for the adventure ahead. All this in itself takes a couple of days.
For the ‘training phase’, in the jungle you will set up your own ‘basha and hammock site’ – this will be your home for the next week. Then your training begins. Bushmasters will seek to endow you with all the skills you will need to find water, make shelter, light a fire and procure food.
You will be eating some strange, but very tasty bugs, starting fires without matches or lighters, recognising water vines, fishing for piranha, stalking wild game with bow and arrow and a whole lot more.
In the ‘isolation phase’ your training time is up and you are put in a true-to-life survival situation. On your own (or in a buddy pair) you will find yourself in a new piece of jungle, where for the next few days, you must do everything yourself. With no more than the clothes you are wearing, your trusty machete, bow and arrow and belt kit, you will put all your new found skills to the test. It is now down to your wits and will to survive.
At the end of your adventure, you will return to a community eco-lodge to unwind, swap stories and drink beers with your guides. From there, it is back to Georgetown by light aircraft, stopping en route at the tallest single drop waterfall in the world, the magnificent Kaieteur Falls. Check out bushmasters.co.uk for more information.

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