GTUC now a political forum, no longer a workers’ organisation

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is saddened that the good name which the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) once enjoyed has again been sullied as a result of Lincoln Lewis’ outbursts.

A few weeks ago, the PPP/C expressed the view that the GTUC is no longer a voice of the workers; in fact it has been hijacked by a selfish few who regrettably have transformed that body into a political forum for grand-standing.

In the last few weeks we have witnessed the morphing of the GTUC into a puppet in pursuit of a political and personal agenda following statements emanating from Lewis, purportedly on behalf of the GTUC.

Lewis, in his recent avowals, condemned the National Assembly because of the motion on the Critchlow Labour College (CLC) it adopted unanimously; embarked on a confrontational rather than a negotiated course with the bauxite company RUSAL; and intruded into the privacy of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

It is to be noted that none of what Lewis said has anything to do with workers’ representation; rather they are solely matters that advances Lewis’ political agenda. It is sad to note that sections of the media make it their business to paint a rosy picture of Lewis under the guise of facilitating the GTUC and sometime, gives wide publicity to his attacks against the Government and the ruling PPP/C.

The PPP/C notes that as regards the workers at RUSAL and their issue over the collective agreement with the company, this matter has been engaging the attention of Labour Ministry.

The Ministry has sought for a number of years to bring the parties together with a view to arriving at a consensual conclusion. While engaging in negotiations, Lewis would regularly and publicly accuse Government officials of being racial.

He went as far as to lodge an official complaint with the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC). The complaint was investigated and the allegations found to be without merit. After exercising considerable patience, arbitration was imposed by the Labour Ministry.

RUSAL went to the courts and challenged the decision.  Resort to the courts is a redress open to anyone. Lewis’ agenda is not reflective of workers’ interests otherwise he would have awaited the ruling of the court, instead lashing out at the company and attacking all and sundry.

Lewis’ swift condemnation and failure to accept the unanimously agreed motion by the National Assembly is another indication of the personal agenda rather than workers’ interests. One would have thought that the GTUC would have brought its executives together, consult with whatever membership it has and engage its allies (APNU and AFC) as a minimum before going public with a position.

The PPP/C wishes to remind Guyanese that while Lewis boasts that he speaks on behalf of organised labour, and is famous for citing Article 13 of the Constitution of Guyana regarding “meaningful consultation” and hypocritically chanting the mantra of “good governance”, he is not prepared to walk the walk.

This is but a far cry from how a trade unionist should be working in the interest of the workers, rather in pursuance of personal egos bigger than life.



Vickram Bharrat


Freedom House


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