GTUC’s rebuke of Alliance For Change

Dear Editor,

What is really wrong with the Alliance for Change (AFC)? There is a notable and disgusting kind of arrogance prevailing in the party. This is not just a sickening attitude to embrace, it also borders on illegalities.

I firmly commend the caution from the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) in this regard.

(GTUC) has cautioned the (AFC) for taking on labour issues, with the government, namely salary increases. The AFC has done so even without consulting with the respective trade unions. The umbrella trade union body said, while it welcomed the party’s support, in lobbying for better wages for workers, it was violating international conventions by its actions.

So that is as simple as ABC. Also it is not ‘good taste’ at all, to ‘mind other people’s business.’ This now obnoxious officiousness of AFC must be denounced.

I am so glad that the GTUC has done so. It could be that the winning of seven seats in the National Assembly, by the AFC has allowed the members that kind of ‘false’ power. My mind goes back to what obtained when the Speaker position was being debated. Where was the spunk when needed? Moses Nagamootoo was ignominiously branded by David Granger for being a close affiliate to the PPP (so he cannot be trusted). Now Rafael Trotman, erstwhile PNC (People’s National Congress) member, has the same ‘apparent defectee’ status as Nagamootoo . Yet the AFC did nothing in defence of Nagamootoo. AFC should have at least debunked the ‘logics’ of David Granger.

My hope is that the AFC get real – be honest and patriotic.

Yours sincerely,

Rajcoomar Persaud

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