GT&T boss rubbishes claims of intimidation

Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company Chief Executive Officer Yog Mahadeo deemed as “outrageous” claims made by Digicel that GT& T’s parent company Atlantic Tele Network (ATN) had applied pressure on the past administration to prolong its monopoly in the telecommunications sector.

Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, December 20, Mahadeo said that the assertion is absurd and asked how a private company can threaten the government.

Mahadeo said that his company welcomes liberalisation and that it continues to work with all stakeholders.

“You mustn’t have liberalisation for the sake of GT& T and Digicel; you must have it for the sake of the country. In every approach or every stakeholder meeting we have had, our intent was to look at the framework and look at what has worked and failed in other countries and try to make such recommendations as to what can make our country better,” Mahadeo stated.

Addressing the situation of its exclusive international licence, Mahadeo said that it boggles his mind that people still think that it is because of the lack of international licence that returns are not favourable for a telecommunication company, taking into consideration the bypasses that take place in the telecommunication sector in Guyana. “There is only one telephony company in Guyana that releases its financials. We are the only telephone company that produces an annual report and have it out there for public consumption. I would say “walk the talk” and let’s see what poor returns there are, because I don’t believe so,” the CEO of GT& T stated.

Mahadeo noted that what GT& T and ATN have done is respond to the government’s invitation for comments on its release of the draft legislation. “I know that there have been no threats and with regards to any further collaboration, I would say that we remain open for discussion,” Mahadeo said.

Returns For 2011

GT& T has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in several major events in Guyana. Mahadeo said that the truth is his company is not seeing returns in the finance department.

“The fact is that we didn’t do all of these promotions for returns. When we started this year, we did say that we will try to ensure that whatever monies we put out there is done in an engaging way, where people from all walks of society can feel they’re part of it. Of course, my board will look for returns on those investments, but what we local management are looking at is building firmer relationships with our subscribers,” Mahadeo stated.

The CEO said that in the past, the company may have taken certain things for granted, but they are now looking at building direct relationships with their subscribers.

He said the fact is, all the monies GT& T have put into promotions and events would not have been possible if people were not using its service.

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