Growing fat and lazy

Satiricus was flummoxed. He’d always held, almost as an article of faith, that the drive for survival was the strongest instinct in all animals – including man. Didn’t they say that even a cornered puppy will fight? So he was more than a bit puzzled at the laid back attitude of the PPP after their reversals in the last elections.

“Ai man, tell me something? Is what the PPP doing about bringing back their voters back home?” Kuldeep had been out for a while and that made him even more anxious about where things were headed. He was looking at Cappo.

“Wha me gon tell you? Almost two months gane and me na see nobady from tap side.” Cappo was dyed in the wool PPP partisan, and for him, this was quite an accusation.

“As a salesman, I travel from one end of this coast to the other and let me tell you: is the same thing all over!” Suresh sounded glum. ” It looks like nobody’s minding the store!” “Janet bin teach abee wan thing: keep de party groups going. All de groups dead.” Cappo sounded disgusted. “Last election, abee na gat nobady fo bring out dem old and sick people.” “But what happened? Don’t they care for their own survival? Next go around they might be thrown out completely,” Hari was also down in the dumps “If Grain Ja and Trot Man get into government, is hell to pay after the stunt they pulled in parliament”. “Survival? Some of them PPP ministers – especially the legal one – he only sporting.

Suresh looked frustrated. ” And he from de Coast where got plenty wok to do.” “Is the same thing in Berbice. Dem get rid of de regional chairman, but dem gat fo get a chap who gat mo energy!” Bungi had married a girl from Berbice and was up to speed on matters Berbician.

“Ah tell dem dat dey cyan wait till de last minute fo patch up things. Deh gat fo get dem tail out fram Georgetown, and get out into de field,” Cappo said, but he didn’t sound too hopeful.

“Well Donald is still the general secretary,” Samad pointed out. ” He has to start cracking the whip.” “Yes, he bring back some of the old fellas. But he has to make sure they do some work.” Hari advised.

“Ah see de same thing in de cane field. Deh put all kind a foreman and supervisor but none a dem want fo com in de field.” Cappo was now bitter. “Dem just like fo cack dem foot up in de affice. You cyan grow can cane and supporters fram affice!” ” The biggest problem why they lost votes was that their local bosses became too arrogant.” Suresh interjected. ” Each one of them think they were bigger than Bharrat! If the party people don’t change them, is worse the next time!” “The funniest thing,” said Samad, ” is that all the PPP big ones use to tell me that Jagdeo was so effective in his job because he would be up till dayclean going over facts and figures.

He was the most prepared man at every meeting and he could carry the day”. “Cheddi was de same way, you know. Me Daddy tell me dat,” Cappo was reflective.

“You wud think dat dem go learn how fo get up.” ” Well they better learn quick!” Satiricus concluded. “Especially that legal chap who look like he more interested in being a ‘ show boy’, singing karaoke than studying the Constitution.” “Who na hear gon feel,” concluded Cappo.

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