Greenjer runnin from de truth

Greenjer plannin fuh use another Gy$1.7 million in taxpayer money at Parliament fuh call on de presi to appoint a commission of inquiry on de crime spree, but he only want fuh review from 2004 to 2010.
Does everybody in de country know why FLAPNU want fuh limit de years though, although dem in de party tryin fuh keep dem mouth shut. If yuh don’t have anyting fuh hide, why yuh don’t want fuh extend de years and de scope of the inquiry?
Every time dem call fuh inquiry dem get it. Dem get fuh choose de people. Dem get fuh choose de terms of reference. But at de end of all de inquiries dem not pleased. Old people seh stupid people always hard fuh please.
But Greenjer tink he smart so he want fuh target de police special squad. He seh how de special squad kill plenty people. But whah bout de soldiers kickin down people door and killin and robbin people in de 1970s, 80s and 90s?
Anybody wid common sense would tell yuh dat if you tryin fuh get to de bottom of sometin  yuh supposed to look at everyting from the beginnin to de end. But den common sense not so common nowadays.
And it definitely don’t look common in de FLAPNU camp. Ah hear dat it not so common wid Rum Jhaat, Naggaman and de whole of de KFC too.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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