“Green Walk” can stop domestic violence

Tuesday was World Environment Day and Hammie was nowhere to be seen! People seh that is because de garbage piles so high that it blocking he! It even had a “Green Walk” fuh mark de occasion de day before and still de man was absent. People would expect that with a walk in he “name”, he would turn up. But he didn’t. Apparently, he hiding because he ain’t pay de City Council workers fuh May yet. De workers now worry dem “may” not get pay given that this is June! Hammie wasn’t even at de occasion when de diplomats roll out dem own “Clean de City” campaign.
People seh he was embarrass that foreigners gat to come and do he job by cleaning de City, so he stay away. Others seh that Pat “chase” he from de event! That aside, some other men avoiding a “chase” even if it mean dem life.
Recently, two who allegedly kill dem spouse avoid getting chase by police by teking dem own life! People want fuh know if men who does beat dem spouse does always gat poison standby. People also can’t understand why de men dem beating and killing de women. De other day de “mukracker” put a photo of a man beating he wife pun de front page. Plenty condemn de photo sehin it glorifying domestic violence! Dem seh that de paper ain’t care and only doing what it know best – sensationalise! Others sehin that it could mek others into “copy cats”, especially dem who like publicity knowing that even negative publicity is consider “good!”
De ministry and other organisations wuking fuh help stop domestic violence, but like something ain’t wuking. Maybe, de beaters just can’t stop or dem ears too hard! De Bell Crier believe de solution lies in de “Green Walk” fuh World Environment Day.
Since plenty of de cases gat fuh do with jealousy and since green mean go, de jealous spouse should just join de walk and go! De walking not only good fuh exercise, but it better that beating de po lady and then commit suicide or check in at 12 Camp Street! But in Hammie case it ain’t gon be a “Green Walk” — it gon be a “Green Run” as he run from de workers who chasing he fuh dem money! That “run” gon attract plenty people since de City Council gat plenty workers! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…Mattie tell mattie!

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